Getting Started with Canvas Workflows
Canvas workflows are a flexible and visual way to build workflows. In this article, we'll go through the basics of this type workflow.
Canvas workflows are made up of "steps". Canvas workflows are similar to flow charts since they are a visual representation of how an item would move through a workflow. Steps are the stops the item would make along the way as it travels the flow chart.
Start Step
All Canvas workflows begin with a Start Step at the top of the workflow. Clicking on the Start Step reveals how the workflow will processing. Generally, Start Steps will display the trigger information and options other for the workflow, such as "start when an order is paid", or "run on a schedule".
If a workflow is enabled, then the Start step is locked and cannot be edited. To change the triggers within a locked Start Step, disable the workflow.
End Step
The End Step is not configurable. It merely represents that all paths through a workflow eventually lead to the end of the workflow.
Adding Steps
Between the Start and End steps is the plus button (+). As a workflow is built, a plus button is added between every step. Clicking the plus button reveals the possible Steps that can be added. Options are:
- Action
- Perform an action
- Condition
- Check for a true or false condition
- Wait
- Delay workflow processing for a period of time
- Parallel Path
- Send all workflow traffic down two or more paths
- Loop
- Loop over a list of items and process each item individually
- Insert
- Paste a previously copied step.
Once a step has been added, the editor generally appears allowing the step to be configured. Not all steps have configuration options.
Deleting Steps
Generally, any Step can be deleted from within the editor, and not within the Step itself. Hover on the the Step to be deleted and click the X in the top right corner. A warning message and confirmation will appear.
Deleting will remove the Step itself, and deleting can impact other processes or Steps downstream of the deleted Step.
- Deleting Actions
- Deleting an Action does not impact other Steps.
- Deleting will immediately move any items in the Step's processing queue to the next Step.
- Deleting Conditions
- Deleting a Condition will also delete all Steps within the True/False paths for the Condition Step.
- Deleting Waits
- Deleting a Wait does not impact other Steps.
- Deleting a Wait will immediately move any items in the Step's queue to to the next Step.
- Deleting Parallel Paths
- Deleting a Parallel Path deletes all Steps within all branches of a Parallel Path.
- Deleting Loops
- Deleting a Loop will also delete the entire Loop workflow and anything within the Loop workflow.
- Deleting a Loop also deletes any queued items within the Loop.
Action Steps
Actions can be added anywhere in the workflow, including before or after a Delay or Conditions. Configuring an Action varies greatly based on the selected Action. Our AI chatbot can assist with the specifics of configuring any action, just click on the magic wand icon to start a chat.
Actions work the same way on a Classic workflow and on Canvas workflows, aside from how the workflows themselves are processed. Classic workflows process all Actions as fast as possible, rather than one after another. Canvas workflows process in order, according to how the workflow is configured.
Condition Steps
Condition Steps in Canvas workflows are one or more conditions, grouped together in one step. Conditions can include multiple AND conditions which can be separated by ORs. For example, it is possible to create logic such as "If product 1 AND Product 2 OR Product 3 OR Product 4".
True and False paths are added below the Condition Step and both paths can have Steps. Both paths merge together at the end, to signify that Steps added at that point will process regardless of the outcome of the True or False check.
Conditions in canvas workflows are similar to Condition Groups in Classic workflows, but with much greater flexibility. Canvas workflows also include the option to add steps to the False path, which is not possible in Classic workflows.
Wait Steps
A Wait step delays the workflow processing for a specified amount of time. Any number of Wait Steps can be added anywhere in the workflow processing.
When a Wait is used within a Parallel Path, the workflow will not exit the Parallel Path until the slowest Wait has been completed.
Wait Steps in Classic workflows (known as Delays) can only be added once per workflow.
Parallel Paths
Two or more Parallel Paths can be added at any point in a workflow. Once both paths have at least one Step added to them, a third path can be added, an so on.
Parallel Paths send all workflow traffic in multiple directions at once. After all Steps inside the Parallel Path have been completed, the workflow will move on and continue processing any remaining steps after the Parallel Path. This is important to keep in mind when adding Wait Steps inside of a Parallel Path. The workflow will not continue until all Wait Steps and all Actions/Conditions complete.
Removing a path is done automatically when the path has no Steps. A newly added path can also be removed by clicking the minus (-) button under the Parallel Path Step.
Parallel Paths are similar to Condition Groups in Classic workflows, but with greater flexibility.
Loop Steps
Loops allow the workflow to iterate over a set of one or more items. An example loop would be line items in an order. Each line item can be sent to the Loop workflow for processing individually. Once the Loop is complete, the workflow continue processing. Loop workflows are children of the "parent workflow". Editing Loops is done within a child workflow.
Loops in Classic workflows are known as "Subworkflows," however, they function the same way.
Navigating Canvas Workflows
Click and drag the Canvas to move around the workflow.
A mini map is provided at the bottom left of the Canvas to give a general sense of place within the workflow, along with resizing buttons on the map's right, for zoom and center.
Scrolling up and down with a mouse moves the Canvas up or down. Shift + scroll moves the Canvas to the right or left. Control + scroll will zoom in or zoom out.