Variant Action: Set a product variant metafield value

The Set a Product Variant Metafield Value Action in Arigato Automation for Shopify enables the assignment of specific values to metafields for product variants. This functionality provides a method for storing extra information not covered by Shopify's default product variant attributes.

Configuring the Action

Field Name Description
Metafield Selection Type Options include inputting a custom Namespace/Key or choosing a Metafield Definition from the store's existing Metafield Definitions.
Namespace Required if Metafield Selection Type is Namespace/Key. Specifies the namespace of the metafield. Example: inventory.
Key Required if Metafield Selection Type is Namespace/Key. Specifies the key of the metafield. Example: location.
Value Type Selection is mandatory, with a range of data types for the Metafield's value available, such as Single Line Text Field, Multi Line Text Field, Integer, etc. Specific details follow below.
Value Input the desired value for the metafield, which must be compatible with the selected Value Type.

Value Types

Value Type Description Example
Single Line Text Field For single-line text entries. This is single line text
Multi Line Text Field For paragraphs or multiple lines of text. This is
multiple lines
Integer For whole number values. 42
Decimal For numbers with decimal points. 3.14
Date Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format. 2023-04-21
Date/Time Must be in ISO 8601 format. 2023-04-21T15:30:00
Boolean Accepts 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'. TRUE
Page Reference An ID starting with gid://shopify/ for a Shopify page. gid://shopify/Page/123456789
Product Reference An ID starting with gid://shopify/ for a Shopify product. gid://shopify/Product/987654321
Variant Reference An ID starting with gid://shopify/ for a Shopify product variant. gid://shopify/ProductVariant/12345678910
File Reference An ID starting with gid://shopify/ for a file uploaded to Shopify's Files section. gid://shopify/File/12345678910
URL A web address.
Color A HEX color code. #FF5733
Weight Includes specifying a unit (Grams, Kilograms, Pounds, Ounces) along with a numerical value. Units: Kilograms
Weight Value: 5
Volume Requires specifying a unit (Liters, Milliliters, Cubic Meters) and a numerical value. Units: Liters
Volume Value: 2
Dimension Requires specifying a unit (Millimeters, Centimeters, Meters, Inches) and a numerical value. Units: Centimeters
Dimension Value: 100
Rating Includes a minimum and maximum scale value, and the actual rating value. Rating scale minimum: 0
Rating scale maximum: 100
Rating Value: 85
JSON A JSON-formatted string. [{"k":"v1"},{"k":"v2"}]

Credit Cost

The Set a Product Variant Metafield Value Action requires one action credit for users on Lite plans. Unlimited plan users are exempt from this credit cost.

Custom Actions

Integration of the Set a Product Variant Metafield Value Action within Custom Actions is fully supported. Further guidance and examples are available in the documentation.