Customer Action: Subscribe or update a customer in Klaviyo

The Subscribe or update a customer in Klaviyo Action in Arigato Automation for Shopify lets merchants sync Shopify customer data with a Klaviyo list.

Configuring the Action

Field Name Description Example
List Select the Klaviyo list to sync Shopify customer data with. "Newsletter Subscribers" list.
Default Properties
Check off default customer properties to sync such as Customer ID, First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, and Default Address. Checked.
Additional Customer Properties Add more properties by specifying a Key and a corresponding Value using Twig if needed. Key: "Birthday", Value: {{ customer.birthday }}

Credit Cost

Using the Subscribe or update a customer in Klaviyo Action counts as a single action credit on Lite plans. There is no credit cost for Unlimited plan users.

Custom Actions

The Subscribe or update a customer in Klaviyo Action is fully supported in Custom Actions. Further information and examples can be found in the documentation.