Slack Integration

Arigato Automation can connect to Slack, allowing Merchants to send messages to Slack users or channels. 

Configuring the Integration

  1. From within the app, in the left sidebar, click Integrations
  2. Locate the Slack integration and click Enable.
  3. On the Slack integration page, click Add to Slack.
  4. On the Slack permissions page, review the permissions and click Allow.
  5. Slack will redirect back to the app when the connection is finalized.

Testing the Integration

  1. On the Slack integration page, locate the Send a test message to field. 
  2. Enter a Slack @username or Slack #channel.
  3. Locate the Message field.
  4. Enter a message to test with.
  5. Click Send Test Message. The message will arrive instantly.

Credit Costs

Slack Actions cost 1 credit on Lite plans and are unlimited on Unlimited plans.


Arigato will send messages as Arigato Automation.

Arigato does not currently include any slash commands or ability to interact with Arigato from Slack.