
There are two Klaviyo actions in Arigato Automation.

Subscribe or update a customer in Klaviyo

This action can subscribe customers to Klaviyo and also subscribe them to a specific list. When subscribing a customer you can choose to use the default properties that Arigato knows about a customer, such as their Shopify Customer ID, email address, first and last name, and address.

You can override the default properties and leave blank to not include them, or use tokens to set unique values.

Track a customer event in Klaviyo

Events in Klaviyo allow you to segment your customers based on actions they have taken. For example, let's say you wanted to track when a customer has ordered a product of type "shirt". You can create a workflow on Order/Paid and add a condition that product type equals "shirt". Then create a Klaviyo event called "Ordered a Shirt". 

You could also include a custom event property that includes the name of all the products ordered.

Event and Customer Properties

You set both event and customer properties that can be used for segmentation in Klaviyo. Different property types are supported, such as:

  • Boolean (value should be "true" or "false")
  • Number
  • Date (using the token {{ customer.created_at }} would be treated as a date in Klaviyo).
  • String
  • List (a list of items, can be created using the to_json filter)

Boolean Properties

Boolean properties must be equal to the string "true" or "false". You can do that easily using the following syntax:

// Basic syntax.
{{ value_to_check ? 'VALUE_IS_TRUE' : 'VALUE_IS_FALSE' }}

// Example using the customer "accepts marketing" value.
{{ customer.accepts_marketing ? 'true' : 'false' }}

List Properties

Klaviyo properties can be a list of data, such as tags, or products ordered. To do this, you must use the to_json filter on an array of data.

// Send customer tags as an array to Klaviyo.
{{ customer.tags_array | to_json }}

// Send products ordered as an array to Klaviyo
{{ order.line_items | map('title') | to_json }}

Do not use the {{ customer.tags }} token, as that is a comma-delimited string. Use the {{ customer.tags_array | to_json }} token.

Special Customer Properties

Klaviyo treats several properties as "special". These should only be set manually if you understand the consequences.
From the Klaviyo documentation they are:

Customers also have the property "id" which can be an external identifier of the customer, such as the Shopify Customer ID.

Special Event Properties

Klaviyo treats several properties as "special". These should only be set manually if you understand the consequences.
From the Klaviyo documentation they are: